Agenda for Next Meeting February 26, 2025
Roll call
Approval of the last Minutes
Officer's Reports
Committee Reports
Old Business
New Business
Set next Board Meeting
Good and Welfare
Larry CohenPresident772 267-7566
HOA Meeting on October 16, 2024 at The Morgade Library
In Attendance:
Board Members Present:
Larry Cohen, President Marty Moss, Vice President
Cindy Blancher, Treasurer Christine Demetriades, Secretary
Doug Calo, Director Mara Sorensen, Director
Board Members excused:
Dave Balonque
Guests Present:
Anne Marie Moss, DJ Philibert,
Pat Blancher, Mary Calo,
Kathy Benoit, Jack Benoit,
A quorum was present.
Larry Cohen, Board President, called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM
Approval of Minutes from Previous Meeting:
Minutes accepted through motion made by President Cohen and seconded by Vice President Moss with the Board’s unanimous approval.
President’s Report:
All Board Members will receive their State of Florida certificate stating they have completed the educational curriculum required for service on the Board of a Homeowner Association. President Cohen and Treasurer Blancher provided copies of their certificates to Secretary Christine Demetriades for the record. The other Board Members will also copy Secretary Demetriades as they receive their certificates. Director Mara Sorensen will schedule her HOA training.
President Cohen to put in a “request for service” with the county regarding the resurfacing of Lamay Drive, as the road is in need of repair.
Treasurer’s Report:
Treasurer Cindy Blancher reported that all Woodland Homeowners dues have been paid. Treasurer Blancher stated that there were no outstanding bills. Current checking account balance is $******and the money market account balance is $***** which includes money to yet be spent on remaining budget items for the year. The interest for 2023-2024 is currently under $****. Question raised by DJ Philibert that as the dues have been increased the past two years, was this raise part of the reserve and requested that a budget be presented. Vice President Moss stated that the budget was presented at the previous meeting but the Board would provide it again to DJ electronically within 5 working days.
Vice President’s Report:
Vice President Moss said he would update the Woodland’s Homeowners community map and make all relevant changes. He requested that the homeowners provide any changes and/or corrections to him for phone numbers and emails. There are currently six Members without listed emails which may limit needed communication to them and require hand delivery of otherwise emailed notices. Some have responded to my request for their email and expressed their desire to not provide it, others have not. If you are receiving these minutes via hand delivery, and have not responded, please call me (772-284-6319) and let me know your decision.
Vice President Moss spoke with Sherwin Williams about a discount for our Woodlands Members when they purchase paint, etc. Our HOA has been approved as “The Woodlands of Stuart, account# *******” to present to Sherwin Williams in order to receive your discount of 40% on paint and between 10% to 15% on other non-paint items such as brushes etc. If you have any problems with this offer please contact me.
Discussion also ensued regarding closure of landscaping “bid” issues. President Larry Cohen and Pat Blancher to meet our current contracted landscaper to discuss further.
Neighborhood Watch:
Vice President Marty Moss discussed the latest BOLO scam (copy attached) per the Office of the Sheriff. He will continue to alert us of all local law enforcement, “Be On the Lookout for” (BOLO) alerts.
Old and Pending Business
Jack Benoit commented that he still has plant growth on his lake shoreline. Josh from Aquagenix will be notified at the next scheduled spraying. Additional information needs to be gathered to determine the risk to the indigenous plants and clearing the exit canal. Jack Benoit also commented that the drainage to the lake on the side of his lot is slow. Larry Cohen said he would contact Jack to visit and investigate. The roadside culverts on Lamay Drive are under the jurisdiction of the county. President Cohen has been working with the county and will continue to see about grading them and clearing under the driveways.
After the installation of the new sidewalk on our side of Salerno Road there may now be bicyclists or pedestrians walking across our two Exits/Entrances and extra precaution needs to be taken to observe for those when entering and exiting our community.
New Business:
Appointing Replacement Board Members:
Colleen Sample resigned as Secretary due to some personal obligations. Director Cristine Demetriades has agreed to take on that responsibility. Larry Cohen made the motion to accept, and Marty Moss seconded. The board approved unanimously. Larry made a motion to fill the now vacant Director position with Dave Balongue, and Marty Moss seconded. The board approved unanimously.
Reminder that “The Woodlands” is not zoned for commercial business.
Martin County has a leash law for pets.
Pets should not be doing their business outside the “front door” of any homes other than their own. If that were to happen, pet clean up would be appreciated.
It was mentioned that some Members are entering The Woodlands on the exit side of the islands. This should not be a regular practice, however if you must, please wait and yield to any traffic exiting the neighborhood and grant them right of way.
The next HOA meeting will be scheduled in February or March, date not yet determined. Agenda items requested by Members will need to be submitted one week prior to the meeting.
President Cohen moved to adjourn at 7:00, and Vice President Moss seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
Respectfully submitted by:
Christine W. Demetriades
HOA Annual Meeting on June 29, 2024 at Morgade Library
In Attendance:
Larry Cohen Sue Cohen (Appointed as Acting Secretary)
Marty Moss D J Philibert
Pat Blancher Anne Marie Moss
Dave Balongue Cindy Blancher
Doug Calo Jane Engelbrecht
Colleen Sample
Mary Calo
Steve Bruno
James Brooks
A quorum was present.
This meeting was called to order by President Larry Cohen at 10:30 a.m. at the Robert Morgade Library. Sue Cohen was appointed as Acting Secretary.
Marty Moss made a motion to suspend the reading of the minutes from the last meeting (they were previously sent to all residents). Pat seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
President’s Report
Larry read his annual review of the Board’s accomplishments and diligence in keeping costs low through the help of all those who participated. He called for greater membership participation.
Treasurer’s Report:
Presented by Barbara Poglitsch. She reported that we would have a $4,500 surplus rolling into next year year’s budget. Discussion was held about costs still in question at this time which could affect the next budget. Maintaining an adequate surplus is important to consider to avoid any future special assessments. Dave Balongue made a motion that we table approval of the budget as presented until the next board is in place. Marty seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Recognition was given to Barbara Poglitsch for her many decades serving as The Woodlands Treasurer.
Vice President’s Report and Crime Watch:
Marty Moss passed along information from Neighborhood Watch. The group warns county residents to be vigilant about locking vehicles, keeping garage doors closed, and watching for anyone in parked cars that may be observing those leaving the bank as a mark for robbery. The Sheriff’s Office is also warning us about increasing incidents of internet fraud. Never give personal information unless you are sure of who the requestor is.
Pat Blancher reported on his comparative bids from three different companies for landscaping services. He will continue to gather the information and make a recommendation to the Board.
Landscape Lighting:
Marty reported that he has repaired landscape lighting at the entrances and main frontage sign without the need for the $100.00 requested in the last meeting but for approximately only $25.00. One light shining on a Sable Palm in the West entrance is out and will not be replaced as it has been run over within days of each past replacement,
Old business:
Larry made a motion to table Old Business. Marty seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
Good and Welfare:
Larry discussed importance of passing along information to the board when there is a death or any situation where the Board could offer support. Also, we intend to send welcome letters to new residents which will also request their contact information (Name, Phone Number and E-mail). Marty and Larry discussed the need for social events for a more friendly community.
Larry appointed Anne Marie Moss and Jane Engelbrecht as Elections Supervisors.
Ballots were collected and results tallied by the two designated Elections Supervisors. The election results were submitted to the Board.
The newly elected Board is:
President Larry Cohen Treasurer Cindy Blancher Director Maura Sorenson
Vice President Marty Moss Director Doug Calo
Secretary Colleen Sample Director Christie Demetriades
Meeting adjourned at 11:37 a.m.
Meeting notes respectfully submitted by Acting Secretary Sue Cohen
Not to be included in the actual minutes of the meeting, please note:
After the installation of the new sidewalk on our side of Salerno Road there may now be bicyclists or pedestrians walking across our two Exits/Entrances and extra precaution needs to be taken to observe for those when entering and exiting our community.
JANUARY 11, 2023
In attendance:
Larry Cohen
Marty Moss
Doug & Mary Calo
Pat Blancher
Laura Danahy
Wes La Chance
Barbara Poglitsch
Jack Benoit
Steve Bruno
D.J. Philibert
Larry Cohen called the meeting to order at 6:12 PM at the Morgade Library. Larry asked if everyone is receiving the minutes and requested approval. Barbara motioned to approve the minutes; Marty seconded; unanimously approved.
Secretary’s Report
Laura reported that none of the homeowners have contacted her regarding questions or problems.
Treasurer’s Report
Barbara reported that the association currently has to its credit:
Amounts not shown on-line. Included on mailed hard copy.
Barbara reported that she will need $--------- of the above funds to cover the remaining expenses (lake maintenance, insurance, lawn maintenance, and electric) of this fiscal year. Marty motioned that we have approved the reported financial balances; Doug seconded; unanimously accepted.
Marty reported that he checked the county records and found that the Woodlands By-Laws changes from 2015 are not recorded. Marty explained that he will investigate what is necessary to file these records appropriately.
Repair of Weir
The drainage weir on the western end of the deep drainage ditch has significant soil erosion under and around the weir requiring repair as soon as possible. Although this was probably happening over many years, the gradual damage manifested itself in a complete wash-out after hurricane Ian. Larry described the extensive damage and explained that the repairs will create a substantial cost to the association because the association is obligated to maintain it per SFWM and county regulations. Larry has contacted SFWMD and Martin County and determined we are responsible for repairs. He has further solicited bids for repair. The necessary repairs as quoted include some sort of structural foam or concrete injected under the horizontal portion, replacement soil and compacting, soil cloth and rip rap to prevent a future wash-out. Three companies provided estimates between $16K and $24K. Pat explained that the repairs must comply with SFWMD specifications. Doug asked what options we have in the repairs. Larry noted that some companies have suggested removing the horizontal piece across the top, but Doug commented that the current permit demands reconstruction of the weir that has existed for many years.
Doug has provided one of the bids, and Larry explained that when this goes to a vote, Doug will recuse himself. Doug described the construction of the repairs including sheet piling, pumped concrete, more dirt, and sod. Marty asked Doug to sketch how the repair would look.
Larry proposed that we should get at least three bids before selecting a company. Pat and Laura, respectively, noted concerns about potential penalties from SFWMD and the time required to complete the repair.
By-laws Committee - reviewing the existing document and will prepare a revised document for vote in a future meeting.
Landscaping Committee – Verification of insurance coverage has been received by our existing provider.
New Business
Larry addressed the concerns of several homeowners regarding the recent disagreement over landscaping in the entrance islands. Larry specifically stated his intent to remain completely transparent with all HOA business. While the Board regrets the unrest caused by troubled communication of earlier Boards, in the interest of community harmony, the current Board has decided to not in any way pursue monetary recompense for the removal of the large pine tree at the west entrance.
Marty offered to check around town for group rates for a neighborhood bowling party to occur sometime in the spring.
Future Meeting
The next Board meeting will be on Wednesday, 15 March, 2023, at the Morgade library. Larry will check on availability.
Pat motioned to close the meeting at 7:32 p.m.; Dave seconded; unanimously approved.
Respectfully submitted:
Laura Danahy
March 15, 2023
In Attendance:
Board Members: Larry Cohen, Marty Moss, Doug Calo, Pat Blancher, Barbara Poglitsch, Laura Danahy, Dave Balongue
Other HOA Members: D.J. Philibert, Jim Brooks, Greg O’Brien
Larry Cohen called the meeting to order at 6:07. Dave motioned to vote approval of the last minutes; Marty seconded; unanimously approved.
Secretary’s Report:
Laura reported that none of the homeowners have contacted her regarding questions or problems.
Treasurer’s Report:
Barbara reported that the association currently has to its credit:
Amounts not shown on-line. Included on mailed hard copy.
Pat reported that county selectively pruned the oak trees along Salerno Road. Pat suggested that people with questions about the landscaping contact him. He’s always willing to accommodate volunteers.
Marty reported that the by-laws committee has produced a draft that will soon be submitted to the homeowners for a vote.
Repair of Weir
Larry reported that the association has received three bids, one of which, submitted by Doug Calo, was substantially lower than the other two. Larry noted that we are out of compliance with the County and South Florida Water Management District permit requirements for drainage maintenance, and we are quickly approaching the rainy season. Marty commented that Armadillo’s bid was very difficult to obtain, and Armadillo’s revised bid was higher at $******.00 the second time with no change in scope. Pat said that the difficulty of getting quick resolution is common among construction companies this year. Larry pointed out that Doug must recuse himself and is not allowed to vote as a board member in this situation. When asked to explain the difference between the use of Foam vs. Concrete noted that his foam cost be comparable to concrete, around $****. Marty noted that Armadillo was charging us over $**** for the Foam. Doug compared the advantages of concrete and construction foam, saying that Foam would probably fill the gap better as it expands while concrete will actually shrink and settle more leaving a gap as it cures. Pat asked when Doug could get started; Doug responded
that he could begin within two or three weeks. Marty motioned that the board select Doug’s contract at $****.00 to do the work; Dave seconded; unanimously approved.
Barbara suggested that we might be able to borrow against the CD instead of cashing it. Doug requires a deposit of half of the cost. Doug would require the balance paid within thirty days of completion. Dave agreed to investigate the cost of borrowing compared to the interest rate of the CD.
New Business:
Naming of the Frontage Park
Larry recommended that the board name the park at the front in honor of Pat Blancher who has, with great dedication, worked consistently to beautify the area. Pat noted his appreciation but declined the opportunity. Pat listed several landscaping projects like fertilizing that will need attention over the next few years but are out of our budget this year. He’s planted several unique trees in the frontage park, several of which will grow rather large over many years, and he chose them because of their hardiness in a dry season.
Larry noted that the lights on the sign at the center front could be brighter. Marty commented that he cleaned the lights and while it improved, if we want them to be brighter, we should replace the bulbs with a higher wattage. Larry asked Pat how close we are to reaching our electrical limit on the transformer; Pat responded that we have plenty of capacity. Pat noted that the lights should be cleaned out at least annually, but we haven’t done that.
Marty noted that he will look into increasing the wattage of the center lights and replace the defective lights on the islands with lower profile less expensive lights.
Gator Sighting
Larry said that he has contacted SNAP and has asked the trapper to relocate the gator. The trapper did not see the gator and has set some bait in the hope of finding the gator. This request remains open with the state for forty-five days.
Larry commented that the association may need to engage in some budgeting, and he suggested a board meeting to compile possible expenses. The money in the surplus/contingency fund will be substantially depleted by the repair of the weir. Doug asked about the core expenses of the association. Dave pointed out that Barbara develops an extensive budget yearly. Laura asked if we intend to rebuild the contingency fund or to provide funds for additional projects. Larry hopes to determine what sort of liabilities we might be facing. Marty motioned that we request from our General Membership any suggestions for the budget. Then we could determine what our monetary needs might be in the near future. We intend to discuss this at the board meeting in May. Laura seconded; motion carried unanimously.
Barbara suggested that we send to homeowners who have not provided accurate e-mail addresses or phone numbers requests for that information. She noted that public service announcements happen via e-mail.
Future Meetings:
The next Board meeting will be on Wednesday, May 3, 2023, 6:00 p.m. at the Morgade library. Larry will check on availability of the library conference room.
Larry thanked the homeowners for attending, and he commented that all input is welcome and valuable. Laura motioned to close the meeting at 7:19 p.m.; Marty seconded; unanimously approved.
Requests from the Board
Contact Information:
Please provide current contact information (phone #’s, e-mail) for 1 or more persons from your household to receive HOA News as well as notification of any Emergency Situation that may arise. Please e-mail your contact information to Larry Cohen, or Marty Moss If you are not able to e-mail please call either; Larry; 772-267-7566, or Marty: 772-284-6319.
Budget Suggestions:
Please provide any Budget Suggestions no later than April 10, 2023, to either Larry Cohen or Marty Moss in the manner as listed above.
Please Note: The next Board of Directors Meeting will be on May 3, 2023, at the Morgade Library at 6PM. All members are welcome.
BUDGET FOR 2023-2024
May 3, 2023
This meeting of the Board of Directors was called to order by President Larry Cohen at 6:02 p.m. at the Robert Morgade Library Meeting Room.
Those in attendance were:
Board Members - Larry Cohen, Marty Moss, Barbara Poglitsch, Pat Blancher, Doug Calo. Dave Balongue. Sue Cohen served as Secretary in the absence of Woodlands Secretary Laura Danahy.
Other Woodlands Members - Steve Bruno, B.J. and Jimmie Cornelison, Terri Parent, and D.J. Philibert.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Barbara Poglitsch reported that we currently have $**** in the checking account and $**** in the money market account. She is waiting for Doug’s email indicating completion of the weir project and a Release of Lien before final payment.
Budget Committee: Marty submitted this information to the Board. No budget suggestions or additional Member Contact Information has been received as requested in the last Board Meeting minutes. The Budget Committee met on April 27, evaluated our budgetary needs. At this meeting, he made a motion that the Board accept this report, Pat Blancher seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. The members figured that association costs for the coming year would be approximately $****. This year, however, the weir project cost $****, which depleted our contingency funds, so we need to bring this back to a reasonable level to avoid the need for special assessments. The only way to do this is to raise annual dues from $**** to $****, possibly giving us about $**** above the budget. Barbara suggested that we aim to keep about $**** in a contingency fund. This will be voted on later in this meeting. Larry made a motion to approve the Budget Committee Report, Marty seconded, and all approved the motion. Motion passed unanimously. Dave Balongue suggested we explore moving some money into a higher interest-bearing account.
Discussion was held about the progress of the weir project. Larry reported on the progress of this project, then was joined by several attendees in thanking Doug for giving us good service and an excellent price. Already the weir is functioning and should last a long time. With the completion of this project, we’ll be complying with our South Florida Water Management District permit and Martin County requirements. Larry explained further how the weir works, why we needed to repair it, and why we need to continue to maintain it.
SALERNO ROAD IMPROVEMENTS: Larry read an email response from Commissioner Heatherington’s Aide Higginbothom which was sent to Colleen Sample updating us on Salerno Road improvements. We had questions about a new sidewalk and other improvements affecting us.
LANDSCAPING: Pat Blancher discussed work he has accomplished on his own and his work with the landscaping company (Ramirez). He didn’t receive suggestions from general membership, so he will go ahead and make decisions about landscape maintenance. He will review estimates from other companies if the association wants him to do this, but he is happy with Ramirez. He will consider asking Ramirez to do more work and pay him more, possibly $**** per month.
BY-LAWS: Marty reported that he will be sending out copies of the re-written by-laws to everyone for review. He hopes that these will be voted on during a meeting he will arrange in late May or the beginning of June.
Marty made a motion to increase the dues amount to $**** annually (starting with the 2023/2024 year) per the Budget Committee’s Report. Pat seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Please see “The Woodlands Budget Discussion” below the minutes.
Larry’s request for other concerns under New Business resulted in discussions about the new development being built west of The Woodlands and residents’ concerns about sightings of coyotes running through our properties and an alligator in the lake.
The Board set the next Annual Meeting for the association was set for Saturday, July 1, at 11:00 am at The Robert Morgade Library. Larry will confirm the reservation.
Elections will be held at the Annual Meeting, so arrangements will be made to facilitate the election. A request for volunteers to run for office will be mailed out, along with the by-laws information.
Larry discussed how he is handling various violations of the covenants.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:09 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted by:
Sue Cohen
Acting Secretary
Woodlands Owners Association Annual Meeting---Saturday, July 1, 2023
Meeting Minutes
This meeting was called to order by President Larry Cohen at 11:02 a.m. at the Robert Morgade Library Meeting Room.
Those in attendance; Board members: Larry Cohen, Pat Blancher, Marty Moss, Dave Balongue, and Doug Calo. Sue Cohen served as Acting Secretary in the absence of Laura Danahy. Treasurer Barbara Poglitsch was absent.
Other residents attending: Mel Demetriades, Cindy Blancher, D.J. Philibert, Rob and Terri Parent, Jane Engelbrecht, Colleen Sample, and Mary Calo.
Larry began the meeting by delivering his Annual Report, which summarized events, processes, and outcomes of the past year. (Report attached.)
Treasurer’s Report----The Treasurer was absent, and no report was submitted; therefore, Marty made a motion for us to table the reading and submission of the Treasurer’s Report until we could obtain it from Barbara. Pat seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
Secretary’s Report----The minutes of the last board meeting were mailed out to residents prior to this meeting, so Larry asked for any additions or corrections to those minutes (none were reported). Marty made a motion to approve the minutes as submitted, and Pat seconded the motion. Passed unanimously
Landscaping Report----Pat has been working on plantings, water maintenance, lighting, and fertilizer in his effort to maintain the common areas, including the park. He needs to review his plans based on what the Treasurer’s Report shows for a new budget. He feels that we could do more landscaping in the coming year.
Larry initiated discussion about a large EEOC sign that the county has posted on Salerno Road facing our development. He is working on having this sign relocated.
Violations---Larry reported that the board has been working on resolving issues as much as possible without sending out violation notices, but he anticipates having to send out notices eventually. He remarked “we want cooperation, not confrontation”.
Architectural Review----The Board has reviewed plans for 4 roofs, 2 solar systems, and 1 fence. Larry explained that the Covenants require homeowners to file plans for their projects with the Board for approval before applying for building permits. The Board is responsible for compliance with the Covenants. Since the Covenants’ approval in 2015, they should be updated to reflect new, updated materials that are currently used for roofs and fencing. For example, the use of solar systems and metal roofs are not addressed, and the weight requirement for roofing shingles may no longer be applicable. The Board will look into addressing these issues.
Marty updated attendees on the county’s new roadwork, with sidewalks and entranceway to The Woodlands. He suggested that we get the latest plans from the county for this project. Larry will follow up with this. Colleen spoke about her efforts to address speeding on Salerno Road.
Marty spoke about AI concerns that could affect anyone. He suggested setting up a “safe word” or phrase to exchange with family members. Also, remember to lock cars. Larry encouraged residents to shred sensitive information prior to disposing it in the trash or recycling.
Marty will have the newly approved By-Laws recorded by the county.
Mel questioned why there is little attention to our East Ditch and asked Larry to review maintenance of that area. There are questions about whether our association or Martin Meadows has responsibility over this ditch. This issue will be investigated.
Larry appointed 3 supervisors to handle ballots: Mel Demetriades, Terri Parent, and Rob Parent
The results of the election are as follows:
President Larry Cohen 20 Yes, 0 No
Vice President Marty Moss 20 Yes, 0 No
Secretary Laura Danahy 20 Yes, 0 No
Treasurer Barbara Poglitsch 20 Yes, 0 No
Board Member Dave Balongue 20 Yes, 0 No
Board Member Pat Blancher 20 Yes, 0 No
Board Member Doug Calo 20 Yes, 0 No
Approval of New By-Laws 17 Yes, 1 No, 2 NA
The New Board for 2023/2024 are:
President Larry Cohen
Vice President Marty Moss
Secretary Laura Danahy
Treasurer Barbara Poglitsch
Board Member Dave Balongue
Board Member Pat Blancher
Board Member Doug Calo
The new By-Laws are approved as submitted.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:06 p.m.
---Sue Cohen, Acting Secretary
HOA meeting on 8 November 2023 at Morgade Library
In Attendance:
Larry Cohen
Marty Moss
Doug Calo
Pat Blancher
Barbara Poglitsch
Laura Danahy
Mary Calo D. J. Philibert
Sue Cohen Jim Brooks
Steve Bruno Dave Balongue
John Ludlum Greg O’Brien
Larry Cohen called the meeting to order at 6:04. Laura motioned to suspend reading of the minutes from 1 July 2023. Marty motioned to approval of the last minutes; Pat seconded; unanimously approved. All HOA officers present.
Landscaping Report
Pat reported that he will contact Edgar to clean the common area this fall, particularly in the areca palms. The budget, he said, has typically stretched to afford two full days of major cleans, but he does not want to finalize plans until he has approval regarding the budget.
Stuart Women’s Garden Club will be offering tours of the Calo house and the Blancher house sometime in March 2024. The Club uses this event as a big fundraiser.
Pat noted that he and Marty spoke to Josh from Aquagenix. Pat and Marty have added some rock near the boat ramp and the entrance to the common area to make it easier to launch the Aquagenix boat. Josh will not kill any of the native plants from the lake. Greg commented that he would prefer that his property not be sprayed because some of the chemicals, particularly glyphosate, are known carcinogens. Greg said that he has hired a worker to pull out the weeds in the ditch, and the removal has worked well. Marty noted that the exit canal bordering Greg’s property must be kept clear to avoid any flow restrictions that may cause flooding.
Treasurer’s Report
Barbara reported that the association currently has to its credit:
Amounts not included in website report
Barbara noted that one person has been habitually late in dues payment, and this accounts for the shortfall. Larry asked Barbara at which stage this delinquency has progressed in the collection process. Barbara said that she has sent multiple letters, and the next step is registered letters and a lien. Barbara noted that the actual expenses include the filing fees for the HOA documents. Larry commented that the HOA is intending to rebuild the contingency fund in order to pay for any additional large expenses like the weir repair. D.J. asked if the revenue from the most recent dues increase was deposited in the contingency fund; Larry assured him that it would be deposited there.
Dave motioned that the HOA should have a monitoring of the contingency amount at every Board meeting, and the information will go to the residents after every meeting. Barbara said that the final years cannot be known until the end of every fiscal year. Larry seconded the motion. Marty mentioned that the “Projected Financial Statement” as provided by Barbara at the meeting does in fact provide that information with a Year to Date accounting of where we are in each budget category and agreed that it should be presented for monitoring as Dave suggested. Four to two with one abstention, the Board voted in favor of implementing Dave’s motion.
Vice President’s Report
Marty reported that many of the logs floating in the lake have been removed, and none have been added since his email to the Members. If there are any remaining in the lake, they can be removed and placed curbside for trash pickup.
Marty reported that the low-voltage lighting has been maintained, and he has replaced the Woodlands signage lighting with brighter LED fixtures.
Marty also reported that he filed the HOA By-laws revisions with the county.
Architectural Review & Violations
Larry noted that several homeowners have replaced their roofs, and all of them were approved. Marty explained that the HOA Board relies on the permit to sufficiently regulate the installation of metal roofs because the HOA does not have any covenant specifications for metal roofs.
Larry reported that we have violations on the structural conditions of two homes. Greg noted that he has encountered difficulties with his contractor’s completion, and that he has the permit for his new roof available.
Dave asked if Laura had submitted her roofing permit to the Board. She confirmed that she had.
New Business
Lake Maintenance
The Board decided to maintain our relationship with Aquagenix as our service provider after other bids came in substantially higher and their agreement with our expectations. Marty reported that Josh from Aquagenix will call prior to each visit. Mary said that a recent maintenance visit killed some of their native plantings along the edge of the lake. Mary agreed to produce a guide or class regarding homeowner chemical treatments of their yards.
Salerno Road Sidewalk
Larry reported that the County expects to be finished with the sidewalk by December 2023.
Good & Welfare
Marty reported that the sheriff’s department has recorded a spate of break-ins and robberies. The sheriff’s department has recommended that residents lock all house, garage, and car doors. It is a good Idea to have your car alarm fob on your nightstand at night to trigger your car alarm if you feel you may have an intruder or potential break-in.
Next Meeting
The Board agreed to set another meeting as the need arises.
Larry made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:45, Marty seconded.
HOA meeting on 17 April 2024 at Morgade Library
In Attendance:
Larry Cohen
Marty Moss
Doug Calo
Pat Blancher
Barbara Poglitsch
Jim Brooks
Sue Cohen, Colleen Sample, Tom McGarry Bibiana McGarry
Larry Cohen called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. Marty motioned to approval of the last minutes; Pat seconded; unanimously approved. All HOA officers present.
Treasurers Report:
Barbara reported that we are operating within budget and projected to end the year within budget. We are facing approximately a 20 percent increase in our insurance policy which has just gone up to $4,047.28. We have deferred a number of landscaping and maintenance items to stay within budget. Currently we have $2,738.28 in checking and $13,586.31 in savings. Barbara will need to transfer $4,000 from savings to checking to pay the insurance. We still have May and June expenses before any further income from dues.
Vice Presidents Report and Crime Watch:
Marty reported he received several BOLOs (Be On the Look Out) messages on several popular crimes in the Sheriff’s Department Crime Watch meeting. Marty has forwarded these BOLOs via Email to those Members who have provided their Email addresses and will continue to do so as they are received. These included cell phone scams, Sun Pass scams, cars left unlocked providing access to weapons, anything of value, or garage remote controls allowing home burglary access, silently while homeowners sleep. Marty also reported on recent legislation signed by the Governor to deal with squatters and property rights. In addition Marty reported the Sheriff’s Office will perform free background checks on businesses to protect homeowners.
Pat advised the island palms need fertilizer and irrigation needs improvement, which had been deferred due to the tight budget. He requested $600 for these items. A motion was made by Marty and seconded by Doug to authorize this. The Board voted unanimously to approve this.
Pat also advised we need to clean out the Areca Palms along the front which has been deferred due to the tight budget. Pat advised that $1,700 is the typical charge to do this plus further expenses for dumping the debris. Pat suggested we could save the money if we held a community work day and did this ourselves then contact Waste Management for pickup at no expense. Pat made this motion which was seconded by Doug and unanimously approved by the Board for May 11, 2024 at 8:00 am at the park/frontage. This one project saves us more than $1700.
Please join us to help, contact Pat Blancher at 772-214-8912 if you plan to help out.
Landscape Lighting:
Marty requested Lighting repair reimbursement in the amount of $100 to replace defective lights. Pat made the motion and Doug seconded it. The Board unanimously approved the motion.
Old business:
A prior violation involving poor condition of siding and paint was completed by the owner and the matter is now closed.
New Business:
A Welcome Letter was previously reviewed and revised. It will be addressed “Dear New Woodland’s Homeowner or Tenants to avoid gender issues. Marty motioned approval which was seconded by Barbara and unanimously approved by the Board.
The Board reviewed the rising insurance cost and requested Colleen and Larry seek competing quotes. Since the current policy needs to be immediately paid, Larry requested the board authorize immediate renewal subject to our switching policy carrier should we obtain a lower comparable quote. The motion was seconded by Barbara and carried unanimously.
The Board reviewed financial statement, upcoming anticipated expenses including one insurance policy that increased 20 percent, our contingency funds remaining, deferred maintenance desired improvement and requests to replenish the savings account by Colleen. A dues increase was discussed and debated thoroughly. Pat made a motion to increase the dues by $75 per year to provide adequate funding with respect to increased expenses, deferred maintenance and to help rebuild contingency funds. Motion was seconded by Marty and unanimously approved. The new dues will be $475 per year.
Larry motioned to close the meeting at 7:00 p.m.; Marty seconded; unanimously approved.
Meeting notes respectfully submitted by acting Secretary Colleen Sample.
Next Meeting set for Wednesday, May 29th 6:00 p.m. at the Library.
The Annual Meeting is scheduled for Saturday, June 29th 10:00 a.m. at the Library.
Enclosed is a Candidate Volunteer form for You to become a member of the Board and be involved with the direction of your community, “Your Woodlands”.
Barbara Poglitsch, our Treasurer for the 24 years I have lived here and for many years before, will not be seeking re-election this year. Barbara will surely be missed by all. We wish her the best in the future. Thank You Barbara!
HOA meeting on 29 May 2024 at Morgade Library
In Attendance:
Larry Cohen Sue Cohen
Marty Moss D J Philibert
Pat Blancher
Dave Balongue
This meeting was called to order by Larry Cohen, President, at 6:15 at the Robert Morgade Library. Larry made a motion that the reading of the minutes of the last meeting be suspended. Motion passed unanimously.
Treasurers Report:
Larry reported that Treasurer Barbara Poglitsch couldn’t attend this meeting. No Treasurer’s Report was submitted to the Board.
Vice Presidents Report and Crime Watch:
Marty summarized information he gathered from the Sheriff’s Department Neighborhood Watch Program. He shared various safety suggestions and ways to avoid being targeted by criminals. He will continue to forward the BOLOs (Be On the LookOut) to our Members as received by the Martin County Sheriff’s office.
Pat Blancher has worked diligently on landscaping. He was happy to report that 14 people showed up for the Landscaping Community Workday, which ended up saving the HOA approximately $2,000, including dump fees. Although Larry reported challenges getting the county to pick up the debris, it was finally done. Marty stated that he has been notified by other Woodlands Members of their difficulty in getting yard trimming removal which may be too large for the regular scheduled Wednesday removal. Difficulty contacting the local Martin County Waste Management office was also mentioned. When contact was made, we were informed that they are shorthanded. It was suggested that we attend County Commission meetings to request better service at the level we have become accustomed to.
D.J. Philibert brought up an objection to providing all the plants in the park, which could mean additional costs for maintenance in the future. Pat addressed this concern by saying that all the plantings were donated and self-sustaining.
Landscape Lighting:
Marty reported that he has repaired landscape lighting at the entrances and main frontage sign.
Old business:
Larry reported that elections are coming up (June 29), and we need candidates to fill positions on the Board. Volunteer forms looking for more participants were sent out twice to all homeowners. Marty will collect responses and produce and mail out ballots, which will be mailed to everyone. Also, we need to get updated email addresses for all homeowners to facilitate better communication.
In order to reduce our insurance costs, Larry attempted to get another quote, but found that our policy was more comprehensive than others he found. We will maintain the current policy and continue to investigate alternatives.
New Business:
Marty suggested that we consider planning a community event, such as bowling, and requested other suggestions from Woodlands Members to bring people together and to get to know our neighbors better.
New Business (continued):
The Board has been exploring the problem of the western gate being left unlocked allowing unauthorized access by anyone to the western edge of our Members’ property on that side. From markers and plot diagrams this gate has been found to be on county property.
Also discussed was the problem of the county destroying the sprinkler piping and electrical wiring and removal of the Lamay Drive sign on the eastern island during the recent sidewalk installation. An on-site meeting was held with the County Project Supervisor, Larry, Pat and Marty and he agreed to relocate the blacktop for the pedestrian crossing. Pat and Marty made the necessary repairs to the piping, landscape lighting wiring and remounted the sign.
Dave Balongue wanted to show appreciation to Pat for all his work on park improvements and beautification of the east island after the county made its changes. Additional discussion was held about labeling various plantings and ways to cut landscaping costs.
This meeting adjourned at 7:20 p.m.
Meeting notes respectfully submitted by acting Secretary Colleen Sue Cohen.
The Annual Meeting is scheduled for Saturday, June 29th 10:00 a.m. at the Library.
Enclosed is a Candidate Volunteer form for You to become a member of the Board and be involved with the direction of your community. “Your Woodlands” needs your help!
Barbara Poglitsch, our Treasurer for the 24 years I have lived here and for many years before, will not be seeking re-election this year. Barbara will surely be missed by all. We wish her the best in the future. Thank You Barbara!
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